what laptop memory?

26 Oct 2004
Up North
Hi. The mrs gave me her laptop complaining that it was running slow, on a quick inspection it was quite obviously that the Celeron 700 and the massive 64mb of ram were the problem! However, I've never had a laptop myself so am not sure what sort of ram I need to buy for an upgrade. CPU Z says the cpu is running on a 266fsb so PC2100 ram will do but i'm not sure whether I'll need 144 pin or 200 pin so-dimms. From what I can see I think its a Viglen Dossier NV if thats any help. Cheers.
It will be 200pin, afaik only sd sodimm is 144. OcUK dont sell the stuff, but 256 of Crucial or Corsair will do the job. It doesn't have to be PC2100, Upto PC3200 is backwards compatible and will do the job.
I think the crucial website can tell you what ram you need using their menu system...its quite good.

If it wasnt running slow before you could also try claening the registry
scaramanga182 said:
Cheers. I think I'll get a 256 stick, should sort it out, especially if I wide 98SE off and put XP on.
Ah use the crucial tester, I'm not sure if celeron 700s supported ddr, and one running at 266fsb sounds odd too.
ted34 said:
Are you planning on upgrading the cpu as well?

I didn't realise that you could upgrade laptop cpu's?!! Might be worth a look but wouldn't know where to start in a laptop, not even sure what 'socket' I'd be looking for! :(
scaramanga182 said:
I didn't realise that you could upgrade laptop cpu's?!! Might be worth a look but wouldn't know where to start in a laptop, not even sure what 'socket' I'd be looking for! :(
Doubt you can, and even IF you can, its probably more trouble than it's worth.
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