What Laptop - sorry I know it's a common question!! Help appreciated

27 Oct 2002
My god finding a laptop is soo much harder than building a PC! Purely due to a lack of pure choice. Also there seems to be a huge diffrence in price of going for a VAIO or a non-brand with a similar spec. SO PURLEASE any info you can think of. :D

So here's what i'm after.

£500 budget

2Ghz CPU (unsure of core 2 duo vs AMD X2? please advise. Also is the core 2 duo extreme affordable?)

2 GB RAM expandable to 4GB (could buy with 1GB installed and by more seems a CHEAPER option??)

DVD-RW (poss blue ray?)

GFX - completely lost. But nothing with a shared memory (i don't need anything amazing I rarely ever play games - i haven't in TWO YEARS - but should something take my fancy it should be able to run it)

- decent sound card
- card reader
- wifi
- TV tuner - unsure but would be good.
- If poss remote.
all regular inputs.

PORTABLE - but 15" or 17" screen

DVD Burning
Web browsing
DIVX watching
MP3 Player
Microsoft Office

All help greatly appreciated, and let me know if more info from me is needed.

Thank you.
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For £500 you really want to pick half those options, and forget about the blu ray drive completely at the moment.

I would start with something like a Dell Vostro 1500, you'll get a 7100 and a 8600 GT for that sort of money.
Hey. Thanks for the reply!

so is that the best graphics and cpu combination i can get?

is there a lowdown of mobile graphics cards anywhere i could look at?

I've thought about getting 1gb of ram and updating it later.

what about acer and asus laptops?
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