What makes a good purchase?

6 Feb 2003
Everyone loves buying stuff but we all have a few things which stand out above the rest. But what is it that makes a truely great buy in peoples opinions? Is it something that makes your mates jealous? Something that enables you to do something you've always wanted (e.g a camera), something that shows off your wealth or makes a statement? Everyone has their own reasons I just think itd be interesting to see what they are.

I guess mine is anything which gives me enjoyment back out of it long after its been bought, for example my decks.
anything taht brings enjoyment from, but doesn't have to be cheap or a bargin. Even if you pay over the odds as long as you enjoy it and are happy, then its all good. after all you must have thought it was worth the price you paid.
i dont think it has to be a bargain. a great purchase is something you always wanted.

like waynes world with the guitar... or like me with a fender telecaster... wanted one for 6year, finally had enough to buy one last year, and it wasnt exactly a bargain or 70% off, it was a small fortune for me, but i didnt care
A 14inch Halo Master Chief statue I bought for 50 euro still in its box that are going on ebay america for 130 dollars+40dollars postage from france.

Will I sell, hell no.
For me a good purchase can be a combination of things such as something that i've always wanted and saved up for for quite a long time, getting something at a good price and getting something that you're generally very happy with.
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