What MOBA?

18 Oct 2002
When I play on my PC I almost exclusively play MOBA games these days. I started off with Demigod which introduced me to the genre, game never quite lived up to expectations so moved on to HoN and played it for years. Started playing LoL when my old work was being wound up as it would play on my work laptop and stuck with it for a year or 2.

Fast forward onto now, really hated the new queue system on LoL so went back to HoN for the last couple of weeks. I really do much prefer the gameplay (the complexity and unforgiving nature of it is great) and graphics style of HoN but it seems to be a dying game. A small player pool meaning some odd matchups when playing ranked games, forums pretty dead and mod scene completely dead. I feel like it would be a bit of a waste putting so much time into something that is on the decline.

So, with all that in mind does anyone have any suggestions for what to go for next? Would DOTA II be the next logical choice due to it's similarity to HoN?

Other ones I've already played:

Smite - too basic / arcadey, ok for a blast on the Xbox but that's it.
Gigantic - couldn't bring myself to play an online game after the tutorial.
Strife - played during beta, didn't think it had enough depth.
Ok thanks everyone. My mind is made up and am currently downloading DOTA2. After years of playing HoN I think i'm more than ready for dealing with countless more horrible nerd ragers.
Starting my first game now, noticed they have quite a few things for sale. Is there anything worth buying or is it all available for free?
Ah k not too fussed about that. Just won my first game 10/5/17. Cant tell what's what in the shop or what the heros are just yet!
Had a couple of games last night, am struggling a bit as lots of hero's look very similar, much prefer the graphics from HoN. Gonna take a bit of getting used to as everything just seems a bit off from HoN.


Roughly how long until you can play ranked games?
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Had my 5th DOTA game just now as Miranda? Valkyrie was one of my favourites in HoN. Got 27/0/10. What's the immortal equivalent? Think I might have killed all 5 in the last fight too.
Thanks for the links, will have a read through. I've found a hero comparison guide and ward map to use for now. Think this is defo the game for me, am starting to quite like it. Not much talking in game though.
So am level 30 something now, cant wait for ranked as some of the games I've played in have been shocking! Am assuming once it's ranked people will pick proper team compositions and have a bit more of a clue?
No :p

What you get instead (mainly) is everyone rushing to pick a carry as they are the "best" and they are sure they will carry you to glory. They tend not to.

You mostly find the team with someone sensible enough to pick a support and a real well balanced team wins in pub ranked but it's luck of the draw as to whether you get it. If you play support well you can increase your chances by being the one who picks a support and does a job for the team.

I was really hoping this wasn't true but my first 4 ranked games have all been the same. I had first pick, grab Mirana, then someone picks Rikki and lanes with me. Legion commander in the jungle, Chaos thingy bot then the int arrow person mid. Actually managed to win because the other team were awful but still. Surely at some point it stops being all carry????
Completed my 10 matchmaking games and got 2710. Last few games have been a lot better, even had 2 supports in my final game!
Been playing quite a lot of DOTA 2, one thing I can't work out though. I seem to get quite a lot of random drops but other than clicking on every hero and checking how do I tell who has what?
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