What new Lian Li case was this...?

27 Dec 2004
I seem to remember seeing some of Lian Li's newer cases not so long ago, and there was one that looked pretty much identical to a PC-7+, except the intake on the front was changed to vents on the side of the front panel (instead of the front grill clearly visible on PC-7s). It also had a new style Lian Li logo. Anyone know what model it was? Their website does not appear to have it anywhere, and I know I'm not going mad.

For all I know I may have seen it on this forum, but can't seem to find it by searching. :confused: Oh, and it definitely wasn't the 'G' series of cases (G50, G70 etc)... it also didn't have the italic styled logo that those cases do.
Nope... edges on the front didn't look like that, and the Lian Li logo was in a standard font rather than some fancy italic thing such as that one. What was the name of that recent industry event where various pc manufacturers showed off their to be released products? I can't remember the name of it for the life of me, but may have seen it on something related to that.

Edit: Might have been thinking of Computex, but I've just had a look around and that turns up nothing either. It also wasn't recent enough to be that I think, pretty sure i saw a pic of it in the last month or so... around the same time as the PC7 went out of stock on this site. Really playing on my mind it is. :rolleyes:

Second edit: It had the same style Lian Li logo as can be found on the following case:


The logo on the case I saw was in the same position as you would find the Lian Li logo on a PC7, except there was no fan vent there as I have said in my first post above.
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Hades said:
I like that :)

Anyone who does not would get banned really, superb looking case. :p

The new Lian's really do look something special, hope they have not compromised on anything though.
^U can stick 2 psu's in that one above!!!!! sweeeeeeet

ocuk better stock all the new ones so i can buy them all :)
messiah khan said:
Agreed. It has the plit interior which I like, and the mobo is on the opposite side to the v2000, which means that it could sit on the other side of my desk, with the window pointing inwards. :)

hope you got a strong desk mate if the v2000+phase+watercooling is going on top of the desk ;)

mine weighs a ton! Best pc anti theft method ever!
Hehe, yeah I expect it to weigh a bit. The desk is pretty solid already, but im going to extend it to make it deeper and wider by putting a new desktop on it. I'll probably end up using some sort of kitchen surface. Ideally I would like to use a block of solid slate, but that would be very expensive.
In due time I am sure they will stock it.

Loving the new cases though, was really worried Lian Li would start to go down the CM route and go more mainstream gaming styled, although this could be a sign they are going the way of ATCs and Windy; all depends on the build quality : price ratio they work out.
I agree that the styling on the new LianLi cases is a very positive move. I think in a way, they may be going more mainstream, but for a different mainstream audience than CM has gone for. The styling on the new cases draws strong influence from expensive audio equipment IMO, whereas CM has gone towards gaming case design. As increasingly more and more people use computers for things other thn work, ie entertainment, web browsing etc pc's will work theyre way into more living rooms rather than being shoved in a 'computer room'. This will hopefully mean that the expensive and stylish cases such as the new LianLis will become more popular with the more 'mature' mainstream, hopefully securing its success for years to come.

What is that silver panel sticked near the rear 120mm fan?
messiah khan said:

Thanks for the heads up :)

I just found this Competitor, and they rate everything highly and do not have a clue what they are talking about, they rated the Vento 10/10 so don't trust them, only use the pictures.
10/10 wow :D
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