What next in the RPG Genre?

6 Jan 2013
Skyrim got me hooked, and The Witcher 3 reminded me how great the genre is. I can't replay any of the 2 because Skyrim is too buggy and dated and I'll spend more time modding than playing, and TW3 is top heavy with dialogue which makes the story immersive first time round but on a second visit I'm just constantly hitting the skip button as I know what's coming.

I've completed DA:I too, and whilst it was enjoyable it can't compete with the aforementioned.

No doubt I will end up doing a second run of TW3 when the story isn't so fresh to me, but I need a new fix in the meantime!

If nothing exists at the minute, what's coming in the near future?
The older stuff with graphics like Fallout NV is just awful to play. That might not be a popular thing to say, but honestly I find them so difficult when they are so dated.
Had a good look around.

KOTOR - No way, they look like ZX Spectrum graphics.
Mass Effect - I actually own ME1 so I'll give that a blast.
Shadowrun Dragonfall - I'm not sure about games that have a top-down view, but could be worth a punt.
Pillar Of Eternity - See above
Dark Souls II - I own it, and I hate it.

Thanks for suggestions, there's a couple there I can surely get my teeth into.
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