what next?

25 Jul 2006
had a slight accenident at work today which involved my first gen iphone getting smashed :(......in need of a new phone now and was wondering if i should plunge in for a new 3g iphone or is there a better phone out there now? also does anyone have any pics of their own white 3g?

Thanks :)
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What are you bumping for?
I've got the iPhone in white, very difficult to get any decent pictures of it with the flash on though and the natural light in here is awful for taking non-flash photos I'm afraid.
You really need to go into town and try a few different phones yourself.

I had a play with the new Blackberries and the N96 last weekend which are supposed to be on par with the iPhone 3G. While they might have had a bit more functionality, the interface is like a dogs breakfast compared to the iPhone.

If there are any features that you can't live without that the 3G doesn't have, then go and check out the new kids on the block. However, if you were happy with the old iPhone then the new one is well worth getting IMHO.

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