What PC games still to be finished

22 Oct 2004
I keep buying PC games and not have the huge amount of time i used to have to finish them, all the PCgames i want to finish are:
Fable the lost chapters
prince of persia special edition (all 3 games)

Ive got to buy empire at war tomorrow and ive got battle for middle earth2 collector edition and oblivion collectors edition on preorder :p
Has anyone else got this problem?
Off the top of my head

-System Shock 2
-Splinter Cell (not too sure about this though, it's kinda boring which is why I stopped playing in the first place a month or two ago)
-Freespace 2 (currently playing)
-Quake3 (got a few maps to beat on nightmare difficulty)
-No One Lives Forever: Contract JACK (stuck on some dull space station level)
-GTA:SA (reformatted since and can't get my savegames to be detected)
-RA2: Yuri's Revenge
-Act of War
-WH40K DoW:WA (haven't finished the 'baddie' campaign)
-Diablo2 (only completed on normal difficulty)
-Forsaken (got stuck on the 7th level or something like that)

Of course there's a bunch of games which I have very nearly completed, but can't be bothered going that final yard for the effort it takes. For example, the last couple of races in NFS:HP2, Factory driver bit of NFS:P2000, finishing everything in Pirates! (bear in mind I've killed all the other pirates).

Incidentally, I went through a 5 year period during which I completed maybe 6 games. Then just over 2 years ago I decided to dedicate a lot more time to single player games, rather than the internet. During that time, I've completed over 40 games:

As you can see I have completed quite a lot of games (including many old ones) over the last couple of years. I still say I don't have anywhere near enough freetime to play the games I want to, and it astounds me when people complain about the lack of enough good games on the market. For example I'd love to make a start on the following

NWN Deluxe
Dungeon Siege1+2
NHL/Madden/FIFA/NBA 2006
...and many many more
think ive got about 100-150 games and ive finished them all apart from B&W2 and fable!

But then some games cant be completed! Eve and CoH for instance!
Indeed, even some singleplayer games like Civ, football manager etc effectively have 'infinite' replay value and as such can never be truly completed.

It's also true that there's a couple of games which I regard myself as having 'completed' even though I haven't done everything (e.g. no 100% in GTA:VC or NFS:U2). Generally speaking, if I've beaten the storyline, then I regard a game as completed.
I have this problem :(

Got a fair few games unfinished but can't even remeber the lot now :( However:

- All 3 Splinter Cells
- Act of War
- Black & White 1 & 2
- Call of Duty 2
- Doom 3
- Quake 4
- IGI 2
- UT2004
- ToCA 2
- Fable: The Lost Chapters
- Trackmania Games

Must be more - I'll check 'the shelf' :o
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I'm terrible for forgetting to finish games :o
However as I've cut back drastically on buying new games, it has encouraged me to complete them more so recently I've completed NFSU2, X-Men Legends 2, nearly completed Kotor 2 and played through a fair chunk of Mario Kart DS and Football Manager 2006 (which is infinite anyway).
It's saving me money and I'm finding a lot of decent games that I already own. :)
Fable's probably next on my list after Kotor 2 I think.
CoD2, right near the end, cba to finish it.

Far Cry, same again, near the end, cba to finish it.

X3, got bored in like, 20 mins.

OF, got bored of it.

BF2, in the process of doing that, although i think it will take me a good year of constant daily play to get all the badges and stuff O_o Probs get bored of that after a while.
Have to admit I've completed loads check out this list :p

Doom 2
Hexen 2
Sam & Max
Zak McKraken
Monkey Island All
Grim Fandago
Duke Numem 3D
Quake 2
Quake 4
Half-Life (Plus all addons)
Half-Life 2
Vampire the Masqerade
System Shock 2
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind (spend about 400 hours on this :D )
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight + Mysteries of the Sith
Jedi Knight Outcast
Jedi Academy
Unreal 2
Unreal Tournment 1&03%04 (Single Player)
Neverhood (Took me ages I was 12 :) )
Homeworld + Expansion pack
Homeworld 2
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Blood 2
Shogo Mobile Armour
Alien Vs Predator
Alien Vs Predator 2

Games I haven't completed :(

Vampire the Masqerade: Redemption
Trackmania: Sunrise
System Shock

thats all I can remember will add more when I can get a look at my collection :D
Most of the games ive got ive not completed, I just get bored of the single player and play the multiplayer and when I get bored of that I just uninstall it and put it on the shelf.

But I have completed Splinter cell chaos theory, cod, cod 2, mohaa, swat4, silent hunter 3. Meh thats all I can think of atm.
Out of the games Ive got currently Ive yet to complete Far Cry, F.E.A.R. and Chaos Theory although im near the end of F.E.A.R and Chaos Theory. A weird thing happened with Far Cry, I got to Level 10 and it seemed to get ridiculously hard all of a sudden even though its only on Medium Difficulty. Even my mate who claims to have completed it on Hard couldnt get me past the bit Ive been stuck on for an age. I got so frustrated Ive started it again on Easy in the hope I wont get to that bit and get stuck again.
Loads still to finish, went out and got a few retro games a little while ago which included Dungeon Siege 1 and 2, and a 14 game collection of RPG (includeing things like D&D: Return to Castle Darkmoore!) Also got Ultima 5, 6 and 7! out of those lot I've only installed Dungeon Siege 1 and played for about 2 hours (had them for 2-3 months now)
I don't know whether you count this, but as CNC Generals is the only game i play i'd have to say getting General status online is the only unfinished business i have with the gaming community. As for single player, even Brutal is FAR too easy to complete. :D
Only game I'm aiming to complete at the moment is NFS:MW, I've done everything bar the last police challenge(#68) where you have to evade the police for 30+ minutes. I can get to 20+ minutes easily but then the game either crashes or totally improbably I am flipped upside down with 8 squad cars surrounding me so I can't get away.

Other than that I might complete Doom3(got bored with it rapidly) or possibly Farcry(didn't really get started). There are a few other games that I haven't completed like Black and White but most that I like I will complete.
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