What phones have you had?

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
I thought I'd ask everyone what phones we've all had in the past and when we got onto the bandwagon etc :-)

My first phone wasn't until year 2000, aged 22. My friend, aged 18 at the time was already on his 2nd phone by then! So, first phone was a Nokia 402, brand new at £60 at the time, but was normally the sort of phone that got handed down to your parents 2nd hand as the 402 was considered old even in year 2000. But it served me well for 4 years on PAYG. And yeah, mine had that blue cover rather than the default black.


At the time, Orange was doing this thing where £50 top-up cards doubled up to £100, making PAYG good value for money. Come 2003 and they were phased out, then eventually came back but considerably 'nerfed' to £55 per £50. So this prompted me to get my first contract phone, the Nokia 6600. Big jump for me, with colour screen and camera. Phone was free of charge and my contract was around £30/month for a year. Orange traded in my Nokia 402 for £50. Couldn't believe my luck there!!


Next up was my 1st smartphone i.e. a cross between a PDA and a phone and it had touch screen as well. Sony Ericsson P910i in 2005 on one of the earlier 18-month contracts with £70 up-front fee and £30/month. Orange only offered £30 for my Nokia 6600, so from then onwards, I listed my old phones on the 'Bay and usually got £50-60 for each one.


In 2007, I got the P990i, very similar phone. No up-front cost this time, just the £30/month again for 18 months.


In 2009, I got my first phone to resemble the iPhones. LG Viewty. Again, free and £30/month for 18 months.


In 2010, had the Sammy Apollo, again free and had loyalty discount, £27/month for 18 months.


Then November just gone, I finally went contemporary and got myself a Sammy S2. Free, and £33/month for 2 years, as most places have done away with 18-month now.

5110 could have custom operator logos as well! I used to use a site where you could draw your own!! hours of fun making 'nice' logos for people you know and sending them! they couldn't tell where they came from and were often stuck with them:D

Yeah, I changed my 5110 logo to an odd manga/anime one. I just realised that I may be wrong when I called it the Nokia 402, as Substance's picture of the 5110 is exactly the same as the 402.

Lots of people here seemed to have had the BT Cellnet one which was a pretty decent phone. Someone at my old work had his for years, well into the mid-2000s, and it had this ringtone that sounded like a sonar - quite cool and very non-cheesy for a ringtone. I'm surprised not many people had the Nokia 6600 though.
Nokia 402 was the Orange version. Either that or maybe it was a single band version that Orange used. Dual-band was still a feature then.

Ahhhhh thanks! Yes, it was an Orange phone on PAYG, so yes it was a Nokia 402 to me. I didn't realise that 5100 was another alias until someone posted a pic of it on page 2 here.

Boltblue rings a bell. Pretty sure that was the site I used for the manga image.
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