What programming language do I need?

26 Dec 2013
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I am looking to develop a website that allows for the following..

A company can register their details and make an account on the website, which will then require manual approval by me before they can use the features.

Then, with their account they can either create a "service" with how much they are willing to pay another company, or accept somebodies "service".

It will need to be able to handle payment in some form, and further down the line work with a mobile app.

Any help/advise is appreciated.
You need more than one really. You won't be doing this all in one language(at least I dont think you will).

Standard web languages for the websites itself HTML/CSS. You'll need something like PHP to get and set information from the database, which leads me to you'll need a database so some form of SQL would be useful to handle logins/lists of jobs and their states.

Payments would be easy to do via a gateway, depending on the processor they can utilise a variety of languages to do their thing.

Mobile apps wise you'll need Java (Android), objective C/Swift (iOS) C# (Windows) or look into creating a cross platform app via something like xamarin or a web app.

Thanks for the tips. That's enough to get me started! :D
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