What SatNav?

18 Oct 2002
I am thinking of buying a Sat Nav system for in my convertable, and have been looking at the TomTom Go 300 and a Medion PNA300, but cant decide between the two. The PNA300 is about £20 cheaper and has a 5" screen, but I cant find any reviews on it. Has anyone tried one out, if so what are your thoughts?

Can anyone recommend a decent system for about £300 that is better than the TomTom Go 300 or PNA 300? I dont need a PDA and want a system that gives voice directions, 2D map, post codes, and is simple to use.
Get TomTom but dont waste your money buying an all in one unit.

Buy a PDA off Ebay for around 100+, then a GPS unit for 30ish.
Not sure how much the software costs, I can't remember.

Does exactly the same job, and you get a nice PDA to play with too.
Tomtom 5 with a bluetooth GPS reciever works out at around £170. A PDA gives you more options but will be more expensive than a dedicated unit.

If you only want it for nav then the Tomtom one is pretty good and easy to use. They were about £220 a month or so ago.
Oblivious said:

You don't have to be funny about it when the software is £170 with a GPS reciever and a Tomtom one is £220 what sort of second hand pda & mount will you get for £50. And will a PDA that old run Tomtom as well as the dedicated device(I dont know the answer but I wouldnt have thought so).
Thanks for the fast replies. I dont want a PDA, I only need Sat Nav, and as long as it is simple to use and gives clear voice instructions, 2D map and I can input post codes, I would be quite happy. The cheapest I have seen TomTom Go is £291. :eek: Its a pity I cant find anymore out about The Medion unit as it was quite decent looking. I can only find the spec's on the Medion site and nobody seems to have reviewed it. :confused:
Yan816 said:
I thought TomTom Go was the latest?

Tomtom one is the base model. It was £224 before xmas at argos, looks like it has gone up since then though. Have a look at the auction site there may well be some new ones on there.
I have a Garmin 2610, bit more expensive than the ones suggested here, but its excellent. If you start looking about you may get a S/H or new one for a good price. The 27 series is out now and people are upgrading and retailers will want to get rid of older stock. Version 7 is the maps you need for the most up todate maps you can get.
Tomtom one is the better option, its cheaper has a newer and superior GPS chipset. I bought one at the weekend and can't fault it.
I was speaking to the TomTom rep where I used to work. Apparently the One doesn't have such a good quality speaker as the 300 and the battery life is much worse than the 300. Saying that the One has the latest TomTom version which is 5.21, its smaller, and its cheaper. If you are using it in the car then battery life isn't exactly problem.
F355 said:
I was speaking to the TomTom rep where I used to work. Apparently the One doesn't have such a good quality speaker as the 300 and the battery life is much worse than the 300. Saying that the One has the latest TomTom version which is 5.21, its smaller, and its cheaper. If you are using it in the car then battery life isn't exactly problem.

The battery will last about 2 hours ish in mine. It's about a third the size of a 300 so i'm not surprised the battery doesn't last as long. I can live with it cos it's plugged in the car anyway.

The point above is also good because for ease of removal and mounting you won't find a seperate PDA+ solution that will give you all the functionality and mounting etc for £220. Have seen some PDA setups and the amount of cables and brackets everywhere looks nasty.
Hate said:
you could get a garmin streetpilot i3 for about £130 now

I'd have to agree with Hate. Whilst they are smaller units and don't have as many features as the newer (and more expensive) Tom Tom units, the i3 does the job very well.

You do get what you pay for, in that it is a compact unit, with no touch screen (a basic scroll wheel and two buttons) but thats no problem. I wouldn't operate it whilst driving or in traffic anyway so it doesn't bother me that it takes a little longer to look up your destination.
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