What setting for my canon 20d at a wedding?

22 Sep 2003
what are the best setting to use at a wedding ac etc? and wht is the best lens out of the 3 i hve thanks guys
50mm 1.8
28-300 tamron
Canon Speedlite 580EX
Are you the main photographer? or a guest?

If you're the main one you'll want another body, and have the 70-200 on one, and a 24-70 on another :) Well, that's what i'd do. Oh and use the 580ex obviously :D

If you're just a guest, then it depends on what you want to shoot, the location, and the light/space that location gives. If you have a bit of light and want to get a few candids, then the 70-200 might be a good one. Otherwise you'll be needing something wide, hence the 24-70 suggestion.

Rent or borrow one if you can.
im just helping a mate out and taking the pics for him told him never done it before and he says its better then nothing

only got one 20d
what about useing the 28-300 tamron for the wedding?
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