What shall I do with these ?

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
I've got three of these mini-itx boxes - used to run smoothwall but I'm now usingm0n0wall on an embedded platform.


Each has a 600MHz CPU and 256 MB of ram and a 20GB hard disk....

Any ideas ?
Zefan said:
Folding, very slowly?
That's the problem they are almost too slow to do anything !

Even thought of some kind of wireless mp3 player but they havent got a PCI slot to add wireless to and of course I'd need some kind of display....
could these sit in a cornor just running by themselves next to my tv and router it would be good to use one for a webserver how did you use them before?
Hodders said:
Even thought of some kind of wireless mp3 player but they havent got a PCI slot to add wireless to and of course I'd need some kind of display....

You can mod a PS1 ~6" LCD screen or similar which will cost around £50, and get a wireless USB dongle...
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