What should I look for in a new video conf system?

1 Aug 2007
Got a meeting tomorrow, what should I ask and look for?

Calling ip systems is one feature I can't do write so I guess a gatekeeper is needed??!

This will be polycom!!

What do u recommend?

Posted from the iPhone
Sorry can you be a bit more legible?

With a Polycom you can make Polycom to Polycom calls with just the unit. You can also get some software to make Polycom to Webcam calls and vice versa. No need for Gatekeeper (well there may be but I can't understand what you're getting at). The software is available from Polycom and does cost.

Sorry, we have a really old windows 2000 polycom system but can't call ip systems. We call other systems on the LAN but also need to call other isdn and now ip systems. I guess lots of new system are HD?
depends what you're after - we've been usign a polycom ISDN / IP combi system for a few years and it's ok for what it is (we've only ever used it over IP) we're now looking at using Tandberg systems for extra capacity, but we had one of these installed at my local office a few weeks ago - I just need to deploy the right network to it!


Mmmmm Telepresance.....
We use all Tandberg with what used to be codian but now owned by Tandberg for a HD bridge. Works well.
My experience has been that Polycom are reasonably hassle free and work well. Telepresence is a lovely system but I've never managed to justify the costs involved, you can say it cuts down inter-office travel but to be honest I've never found that to be true, exec's and managers (me included) still like a jaunt out of the main office so it just replaces phone calls with video calls for the most part and it's a big cost to do that...
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