what should i look for in a server

20 Apr 2011
Stoke on Trent
I have a few websites on a shared server, that is getting to be slow/hang (probably a routing error between here and the US server)

Anyway i am toying with the idea of dedicated and wondered if i can get a second hand server for bargain prices from an auction. The problem is i don't know what i am looking for and what spec i will need. Could anyone help?
(i know pc's but not servers too well).
I have a friend that will have some spare rack space so plan to see if i can get a bargain price to link it to his network.

It will need to run 50 to 100 websites with a total visitor count of currently 5,000 to 50,000 visitors / 15,000 - 200,000 page views (i assume this is relativity low for most servers).

Basically what is the minimum spec i will need (a few server/product numbers would help me). All i see on auction sites is that they have Xeon's CPUs, but they don't say CPU model numbers or much else.

Is there anything i should stay away from?

I would be grateful of any help please

Thanks for the info, although now i am slightly more confused than before.... :-)

@bigredshark i would like to have Xeon CPU's (either dual or quad core), but i think a blade server may be a little over kill for the loads it will be getting. (i had a PIII server many years ago, so would like better, as i do like to know i have half decent hardware even if not needed). I do know Windows Server software a little, but would like to run a Lunix system but know next to nothing about this (the shared hosting uses Cpanel, but i'm not sure if i need this on a dedicated server + it is expensive! - i need to ask my programmer about this). VPS may be the way, but i think a server in the UK would be faster than the US???

@bigredshark = now i am confused :-) but i like the suggestion of HP - i don't plan to manage the server myself, my programmer will set it up and the hosting company will then look after it for a fee (i hope).

@Dr. Pain. i may join you in becoming a fan boy of HP too, sounds good - would you have any idea on model numbers for a reasonable Xeon (dual or quad core)?

Thanks again!
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Thanks guys, really helpful as to what the difference is in the Xeon's
After seeing the price that a "good" server sells for maybe VPS or shared hosting with my friends company is the best value :-)
Although i will live in hope and see if i can snap up a G5 DL360/380 for around £100 (although i find this unlikely :-( ) Possibly over kill, but that's where all the fun is:-)
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