Thank you. That was useful. At least I know what kind of range to expect now.
If it helps I can pm you a breakdown of an invoice so you have something to work with. Its a bit hazy (just got back tonight from a 3 day wedding in france) but i think Ive got a bit of a mix at the moment, i've got 4 racks on monthly rolling with no contract, 3 racks on 3 year deals as well as a half rack but with commitment from the dc to put no other hadware in that rack due to security concerns.
Pretty much all colo racks will include a number of ip's per rack, a full rack is a range of 24 external ip's. 24/7 remote hands x20 per year. Power included and you get x amps with the rack. You wont get any dc to move on price with power just don't even go there, there is just zero movement there and no space to negotiate.
Negotiate around the number of ip's, size of the line etc, for example the guys im with are also an isp so they just gave me as much as my firewalls can take and unlimited bandwidth at no extra cost. So where we have gigabit ethernet the machines will literally pull 1gb/s up and down on a line test. It's also fair to say that you could also get leverage if say for example the dc notice you have a large domain portfolio or something similar.
I know the guys at my dc really well now and they have been superb, they have helped me no end (I mean literally sat up with my trying to assist at 3am when things were going to ****, worked alongside me and stuck around for hours after their shift ended without a single issue or even a moan. I even had to tell one of them to go home as I felt like i was taking the ****. They are just a lovely bunch of blokes tbh) They helped me rip one of their racks out and roll one of mine in to try and save me just a little bit of time re-racking everything.
When it all went wrong with BTnet and the managed fortigates I used to have I fell back on the dc to help me out again, and at next to no cost they provided me with new firewalls, help me set them all up and chatted with me for hours about changes we should make to just make things better, honestly it cost pittance and because of how good they are I asked them to wrap a management layer around the firewalls for me which again they did and again it was really well priced. You will know when you find a good colo dc as anything will basically go and all it takes is a conversation, I can literally send a whatsapp message and any one of a number of guys will jump on any problem at the dc within minutes.
What I would also say is cast your net further than just Surrey, I looked at everything within about 150 miles of London and if you are willing to travel just a bit further you will get a far better deal. The DC i use is 80 miles away from Surrey.