What sub £100 camera would you buy?

22 Aug 2004
Can be second hand, not fussed, dont know much about cameras but i assume especially second hand you could pick something ok up for under 100 bucks. Its for a friend, any tips? I know you guys deal in the 4 figure cameras but any help appreciated.
I would have recommended phone as well.

Unfortunately most cameras are just as confusing to use as a phone, maybe more so once you want to share or print the images.

What exactly does he want?
Take pictures of what and do what with them?
you could go 2nd hand. Always an option if you want something decent sub 100 notes.
If you want something simple, robust and quite large: what about the canon G series, like the G6 or G9?
solid lens and built quality, older now of course but still pretty good.
If you go used there are a few options to get decent image quality such as older mirrorless / DSLR bodies that have large sensors and all of them have Auto point 'n' shoot modes.

Example below is a full blown DSLR with a decent kit lens and in body stabilisation for £100. It's far from the best DSLR but I'd take it over any phone cam or cheap point and click and DSLR's are often easier to use due to their handling style.

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