what suds do you use?

12 Dec 2004
the south
Hey all

I've nearly ran out of both sdoc 100 and muc off nano bike cleaner so i'm after some new stuff.

Sdoc 100 gel is by far the best cleaner i've used but its ridiculously expensive and if you clean your bike more than once a year it doesn't last very long, I could use a whole bottle in 3-4 washes, This is why I have muc off as well and only use the sdoc on stuborn parts.

I saw a deal on the bay the other day for 10 litre's or muc off for £20 which seems a good deal but i'm wondering if there is any thing like sdoc 100 thats a similar cost to muc off?

Or something better than muc off for the same sort of money?

so whats every one else using to clean their broom brooms?
Car wash/wax, only cheapo stuff, but with hot water it pulls everything off I need... will wash every say 4-5 hours of biking... so if after a long run, I'll usually give the bike a quick wash down, nothing intense, just get dust off wheels and bugs off the front... then dry off, ready for when I next go out.
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Fuchs Off is pretty good. Turns bugs to jelly etc. Leaves a bit of a chalky finish if not wiped down, but then I tend to hand dry anyway so not a problem :)
fairy liquid cos i want my hands to feel as soft as my face:p

petrol soaked rag for my wheels to get rid of chain lube/oil crud
Petrol gets rid of chain lube on wheels, WD40 if not as stubborn. Cold water and washing up liquid for the rest. I use Muc Off chain cleaner for the chain. ACF50 on chrome once finished.
I use wd40 and acf-50 once the bike is clean and dry. Just after something thats good at cleaning and getting all the crap off.

Personally i'd never put petrol any where near my bike other than in the tank. I've seen the effects first hand what it can do to paint work.

any one use snow foam?
Can you use it from a spray bottle or do you have to use it with one of the lances?
petrol wont affect your paintwork esp the wheels,tbh i bet most cleaning products contain it or parts of it

its brake fluid that should never be allowed to touch any paintwork
I've just run out of Doc100 stuff so will try some suggestions here - possibly Fuchs Off.

I use WD40 to give my chain a proper clean once a month and use Peek metal polisher for the whole exhaust pipe (including the 4 pipes that go into the engine).

I need to look into some waxing solutions (...for the bike) and I keep hearing a lot about this ACF-50 but not quite sure what it actually does and how to apply it.
petrol wont affect your paintwork esp the wheels,tbh i bet most cleaning products contain it or parts of it

its brake fluid that should never be allowed to touch any paintwork
It can have a negative effect on some paints/plastics. I had some splash back while filling up and it left white streaks down my new side pannel :(
It can have a negative effect on some paints/plastics. I had some splash back while filling up and it left white streaks down my new side pannel :(

true,it should wash off though,ive had same thing on my tank and leather tank cover,it does wash off

this is the polish i use (mer ultimate polish)


and i use good old autosol for the chrome/aluminium bits
Maguires wax for me onces washed with hot soapy stuff by a Hooters Girl... then I use the Auto Glym clear resin stuff over the top of it, which is fantastic. Use it on the Type R and the Saab... and it gives such a deep shine I can see another world ;-)

Also, use Wernes Dry Lube chain stuff... and WD40/GUNK to clean chain off...
Maguires wax for me onces washed with hot soapy stuff by a Hooters Girl... then I use the Auto Glym clear resin stuff over the top of it, which is fantastic. Use it on the Type R and the Saab... and it gives such a deep shine I can see another world ;-)

The SRP should be used before the wax! :)
I use cheapo car shampoo/wax

WD40/Paraffin for the wheels

Gunk Ultra engine degreaser for the engine

That's it. I could do with something to make the black plastics proper black, and to finish off the paintwork.

I've used jet washes before, but they just don't get the bike clean. Getting into all the little nooks and crannies takes time. It's difficult because I live in a flat and so don't have access to a hose.



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true,it should wash off though,ive had same thing on my tank and leather tank cover,it does wash off

this is the polish i use (mer ultimate polish)


and i use good old autosol for the chrome/aluminium bits
Mer is very good but these streaks have not even faded no matter what I do.

englishpremier; Carplan Black Trim Wax, on ebay you can get a bottle for just under £4. Both bottle and effect lasts ages. I also do my seat with it (remember to give it a good rub off so you don't get a black backside) and it stays looking new for at least a year.
SDOC 100 + ACF 50 once every couple of months, and once every 6 months. A much more indepth clean :)
If petrol gets onto paint work in most cases as long as its wiped off immediately it wont cause any damage. If its left it will start to disolve the clear coat just like thinners would and as mentioned on some paints/plastics the damage can be instant.
It was much more common on older celolose based paints, its not such a problem with modern 2k and water based finishes.

Hector try a light rubbing compound on the effected area like t-cut or better still farecla g3 followed by g10.

As for ACF-50, its a anti corrosive spray and lubricant which is also very good at removing grime and dirt. its safe to use all over the bike (except braking areas) and will keep metal looking new for longer. It really is amazing stuff!
I wouldn't use it to polish panels on the bike though, its leaves a greasy film which seems to attract more dirt quickly.

Sdoc is brilliant just too expensive.

I might give this snow foam a try, says its got wax in it to leave a shiny finish and you can get 5 liters for a around a tenner.
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