What Tech News website do you use?

20 Sep 2006
I'm looking for a new daily read tech news website. I used to use The Verge before their horrible website overhaul. Can't stand it now.

I use Videocardz as a PC hardware centric news site, but I'm after something that covers a wider range of tech topics.

What would you recommend and why?
I used to use Hacker News but it got invaded by USA politics so I got sick of it. I didn't find a suitable replacement website.
I used to use LTT Tech News but it went too zoomer for my taste.

Anything important shows up on this forum anyway.

GamersNexus - hardware
Fireship - web dev frontend
IAmTimCorey - web dev backend
Splattercatgaming - pc gaming
MandaloreGaming - pc gaming
AutoFocus - car tech
Autogefuhl - cars
SavageGeese - cars
The only one i use any more for news specifically is...

But then after having read the OP properly :o that only really cover hardware news, not the wider range of tech topics that the OP seems to be looking for.
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Just get your news from YouTube, loads of channels condense all the daily tech news into short segments.

They're generally good but it's clear many of them are not impartial. Sometimes too much opinion and not enough useful data.
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