What the heck are the lyrics for...

12 May 2005
What does the female singer say on the new series of Battlestar Galactica! Its driving me nuts, I love that tune... is there actually a full version that I can buy? I have the season 1 DVD box set and miniseries, but cant find it :(

Lastly, Stings Desert Rose, I understand what Sting is singing, but the version with Cheb Mami, I have no clue what he is saying... I cant understand Arabic (I think its Arabic, apologizes if its not) I have tried googling for lyrics but various sites change the translations, can anyone who knows what is being sang let me know the closest match.

Rather an odd request thread, big thanks however to anyone that can help!
Erm, I'm sure this isn't much help but on the CD for that album (I think) there is a short video where Sting talks about Desert Rose. He said that the two didn't discuss their individual lyrics but they ended up being about similar things!

Gonna have to listen to that now...
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