what the hell is going on with our roads.

23 May 2006
my mate almost wrote his car off a month back after hitting a pothole (new wheel needed and not convinced his suspension will pass MOT next time) , I feel like I am skiing or something the amount of weaving Indo to dodge the damn things and just this evening on the way to my lads swim lesson the deepest pote hole I ever saw spanning the entire half of the road (a past pipe or something must have meant they cut a channel across the whole.road and it failed).

coming originally from a small village am used to dodgy roads but never seen owt like it in big towns it's a disgrace
yes just the stupid unobservant drivers who drive through them with their incompatible low profile tyres - still, their revised premiums should give them food for thought and hopefully reduce burden for others.
sorry but this is nonsense. I have a nissan QQ with big fat tyres so (hopefully) I will be ok but our roads are meant to be fit for purpose and so long as a car is within legal limits it should be able to be driven without fear of the road being such poor quality as to wreck it.

would you feel the same if an elderly person broke their leg on a not fit for purpose pavement and god help a motorcyclist if they hit one of the pot holes.
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'Road tax' is actually emissions tax in the UK. With the increasing number of electric cars on the roads the government will introduce a new 'road tax' that electric car owners will need to pay - and they should, that's only fair.
not saying I disagree with you but EV drivers are getting hit harder than some ICE cars tho. our 2011 diesel is still only £30 per year and my folks petrol car is zero.
historically changes to tax prices of cars have only gone forwards at the point the rules comes in but the new EV tax is going back to 2017 owners.
not certain but I guess tha means my 2011 diesel and My parents petrol cars will cost less than a 2018 EV which is daft.
I wouldn't mind so much if the tax went on the roads but as already said ... it doesn't
Constant caps on council spending, cap on increasing council tax, tory pledges of billions that then get robbed for something else. Only enough funding to repair 48% of all potholes.

Who is to blame?

I'd be happy to pay an extra £20 a month on my council tax if it was ring-fenced to the roads. But then there would be the other half of motorists and road users whining on about road works and traffic lights everywhere...
I agree. it's a toughie the roads should never have gotten this bad and now they have it's gonna be a devil of a job

I think my dad had some gardening mantra for 1 year you are lame you have 7 years of pain and that may be true here.
what would help is when they DO make repairs however at least do it properly ... not the half assed job that seems to be done.

also when utilities dig the road up .. at least organise with all of them. the bottom of our road was dug up multiple times and when I asked it turned out it was for different things. laying new electric cable, laying new gas or what ever....... (and they always do a shocking job of patching up after
final mini rant ;). speed bumps. they were installed on a road near me and next to every single one is now a pot hole that can't be a coincidence so it would seem in installing the speed bumps the integrity of the road has been compromise. add to that the locals hate them because they are noisy and they are usless anyway. my car has a wide enough wheelbase to totally straddle them (my wife's doesn't and they work then I guess) but if I wanted I could still barrel it down the road and not hit a bump.

oh and last night I noticed damage to my tyre. I can't prove it of course but I have not hit any kerbs. so that's gonna be £250 for a new tyre I imagine. (if I go middle of the road brand. not putting guang dong ditch finders on it)
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Same for us in our London house. Best road in the area which was obviously a complete coincidence to the local council leader living there.
isnt there where a bunch of levelling up the north money went? on improving roads in and around London!. I suppose you could argue they are levelling up the North by making London more accessible :D
I will never understand why taxes are at the highest level ever, yet all services seem to have completely collapsed. Something is VERY wrong.
because our government are a corrupt bunch of muppets who are happy to waste billions so they, their mates and donors get a few quid (sometimes a fraction of the money they waste doing it however).

case in point HS2 and VIP fast lane for PPE.....(and Brexit)

Sadly i am currently not optimistic the next lot will be radically better but I live in hope.
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