What the hell kind of death badger is this

Either a chicken or, looking at your location, the sasquatches could have gathered for the annual quorum in the woods behind your house.

Nothing to worry about, there may be some music and some drug paraphernalia left over but they're usually clean creatures. If you do find anything left over, get in touch with the forestry commission, they've got people in all parts of the UK who are trained to clean up and manage the very rare aftermath of Sasquatch activity.

Could be a badger chittering. Possibly due to mating if adult or cubs can make weird noises like that too.

Source: http://www.badgerland.co.uk/animals/voice_detailed.html

The Chitter is a relatively short, high-pitched, querulous chatter.
Adult chitter is used in the context of pain / fear and frustration / anxiousness. The chitter is often used by the female, either when she is being harassed by a male intending to mate, or to signal pain or fear during mating. In cubs it is heard mainly during excited social play.
A gentle variant of the Chitter is the call referred to as the "Whicker", a sound like the whinny of the horse often used in situations of mild frustration.
Either a chicken or, looking at your location, the sasquatches could have gathered for the annual quorum in the woods behind your house.

Nothing to worry about, there may be some music and some drug paraphernalia left over but they're usually clean creatures. If you do find anything left over, get in touch with the forestry commission, they've got people in all parts of the UK who are trained to clean up and manage the very rare aftermath of Sasquatch activity.

Either a chicken or, looking at your location, the sasquatches could have gathered for the annual quorum in the woods behind your house.

Nothing to worry about, there may be some music and some drug paraphernalia left over but they're usually clean creatures. If you do find anything left over, get in touch with the forestry commission, they've got people in all parts of the UK who are trained to clean up and manage the very rare aftermath of Sasquatch activity.

I don’t see what a cartoon caricature of Ozzy Osbourne has to do with noises from someone’s back garden?
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