What to buy team members when I leave? I'm a poor student btw!

21 Mar 2012
I'm heading up a team of around 10 women on a placement for uni. It's going really well but it's coming to an end at end of January and I'd like to get them all something, I can't go mad and as a poor student can't afford more than about £10-15 each.

I was thinking of getting everyone the same thing, that way there's no comparing or arguments.

Thoughts so far are gift cards or angel candles.

Uni are a bit funny about gift-giving, but it's at the end and not a bribe lol I love my placement and all the ladies are fab! So I wish to thank them. Would a gift card or candle with an angel be appropriate, any other ideas?

Thanks for any help or ideas everyone!
Surely, if you're leaving, they should be getting you something? If you really want to get something, just get a nice cake to share for all of them as part of your leaving day.
As I'm a student I'm thankful for the opportunity and experience to lead them, so I've approached this with a thanking them mindset, rather than them being thankful for me. They can club together and buy me something, 1st placement was a small team just 3 people, easy to buy for. 10 is feeling like a headache lol
Agreed with the large cake on your last day, or you could go to Morrison's and get a couple of sandwich platters and cakes and do a bit of a buffet lunch for all, I'm sure they'd appreciate that.
Small bottle of prosecco and a candle each in a bag, maybe some shloer type stuff if you know they don't drink.

^^^ that sounds excellent

it’s the thought with this stuff - if you put a little bit of effort into it and then it is much nicer for them to get say a couple of small gifts, wrapped nicely and with a handwritten note than some random gift card each... even if the gift cards cost you twice as much etc...
Cake or sweets for all ...

But I'd agree is more common for the person leaving to be bought things by the team (used to work somewhere with a DBA we'd nick named monkey boy ... One of his leaving gifts was a 6ft blow up banana)
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