If it were me I'd pay of the credit card. However if you don't want to do that for whatever reason have a go at the stockmarket. I started as a bit of fun, still don't fully understand everything that goes on because theres usually that much jargon it will blow you mind. Im getting there slowly though and I've been hooked for the last couple of months. Made some mistakes on the way like most beginners do (don't jump in on a spike!) but I'm still very nicely up.
The thread on here called "trading the stockmarket" is very helpful if your willing to read through 125 pages
, also
www.iii.co.uk is good for its message boards and discussion of companies. You'll see a lot of tips on there, followed by DYOR (do your own reseach) and thats the important bit. Check out the companies website, search them on google, read as many articles as possible, sign up for RNS feeds, work out who is a reputable source on the message boards. You've only got a small investment so don't be tempted to day trade or you will end up losing out IMO. Look at it as a 2-6 month investment.
Give it a whirl, its fun and addictive, but be prepared to lose.