What to do with E35M1-I DELUXE

15 Nov 2011
Forgot about this item. Was a friends who has said i can have it. It died, RMA'd and he bought a laptop as a repalcment. 6 months latter his replaced RMA arrived. ASUS RMA is pants.


Think i may have some 8GB dims laying about that will drop in. HDD I know of a deal on a 320GB SATA 2.5 for £40 with a free caddy :)that could be used.

It's not the best etc but what on earth could it be used for if i built it up?

Shame it doesnt offer RAID onboard at all with the 5 SATA III
So im tempted to do something with it but what duno!

I got a 320GB SATA drive, 4GB DDR3 1333 and a PICO PSU.

This XBMC needs an OS installed to run, so whats going to be the best OS to use?

It's all super new to me this!
Not so sure i know at all what im doing here!!! It's got 5 SATA ports all SATA III. That could make a nice FREENAS setup, OS on USB, 5 2TB drives

10TB freenas server!
As far as I can tell any server os is based on getting as many confusing anachronisms involved as possible and the longer the better . It's worth persevering though as it does become clear in the end ( sort of ) :p

Really, so whats the quick fix then to get through it and become wiser at the end of it?
Hate to say it but reading the instructions and following them really carefully helps , then when it doesn't work do all of it again .

This pretty much sums up the experience ......


I may spear my self and bay it
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