what to do?

18 May 2006
Somewhere South
Im looking at getting a core2 and would quite like to get one ASAP but im also intending on investing in a Viewsonic VX2025 20" Widescreen LCD Monitor (for gaming of course!). I currently have a 7900GT would this card cut the mustard running at these resolutions or should i SLI it or just wait and get a single top of the range card? Im a bit dubious about SLI cause i heard that it doesnt really make a difference. also i would prefer to be able to keep the current gfx card cause that saves money but I dont want to go get myself a new PC load up Quake 4 just to find that the new monitor likes resolutions higher than the gfx card can really handle
Get the Viewsonic now, you won't be sorry. Then SLI the GT, that will do you for gaming in native resolution for 99% of games. Oblivion etc might be harder to run maxed out, but then most uber rigs struggle with it.
A single 7900GT plays Quake4 fine, even on a 20" Widescreen TFT

And by the time the card struggles sell it and get a next gen card.
Dutch Guy said:
A single 7900GT plays Quake4 fine, even on a 20" Widescreen TFT

And by the time the card struggles sell it and get a next gen card.

thats pretty much what i wanted to hear! this is obviously the ideal situation i just wanted to make sure that the card would cope!
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