What to do?



18 Oct 2002

I am fortunate enough to get a mobile contract for free from work (all personal and business calls are free!!)

However, the phone they are giving out at the moment is the Sharp GX25 :(

What I am thinking of doing is sticking my work sim in a decent phone

I would like it to be:

-A smart phone
-Have decent call quality and battery life
-Work anywhere on the planet (ESSENTIAL as I travel a lot with work)

It also needs to be reasonably priced and sim free... What should I get?

No phone will work anywhere on the planet. If your looking for max coverage you should get a satallite phone.
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Energize said:
No phone will work anywhere on the planet. If your looking for max coverage you should get a satallite phone.
Sorry meant in every different band- i.e. some phones are dual band and don't work in some regions, etc.
It also needs to be reasonably priced and sim free... What should I get?

If you want a reasonably priced SIM free smartphone that will work practically anywhere in the world, then your best bet would be the Nokia E61 is probably your best bet.

It's got quad-band GSM for Europe/North America/most of the rest of the world and UMTS for Japan/South Korea. That's probably more than you need. :) It can be had for around £300 SIM free.

The N80 offers similar capabilities, but it's considerably more.
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How about the MS smart phones? I have seen some like the SP3 for £100 and Qtek 8300 Smartphone for £260?
IIRC, they're quad-band GSM. So as long as you don't intend to travel to South Korea or Japan then you should be fine. :)
Bes said:
How about the MS smart phones? I have seen some like the SP3 for £100 and Qtek 8300 Smartphone for £260?
There both the same phone. Both very good but not the best bat or call qulity. There not bad though.
Spamalot said:
There both the same phone. Both very good but not the best bat or call qulity. There not bad though.
They're not- the Qtec is the equ. of an SP5?
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