what to get?

29 Dec 2005
im thinking of getting a 3800 venice, and ill need a motherboard to go with it, I want to do some overclocking as well but want a motherboard that it quite simple to use, as im new at this, but will give good results, does anybody have any suggestions, im on a tight budget, so thinking caps on please

cheers Lee
Take a look at any of the EPOX boards, they are cheap, offer good overclocking results and come with some good features and quite easy to use, not as complicated as the DFI boards.
If you want to overclock then I'd go for a 3700 San Diego over a 3800 Venice. The San Diego has 1MB of L2 cache instead of 512KB like on the Venice, not to mention it clocks very well. I currently have mine running at FX-57 speeds(2.8GHz) on standard voltage.

You will be saving some moola too.
Hunders said:
If you want to overclock then I'd go for a 3700 San Diego over a 3800 Venice. The San Diego has 1MB of L2 cache instead of 512KB like on the Venice, not to mention it clocks very well. I currently have mine running at FX-57 speeds(2.8GHz) on standard voltage.

You will be saving some moola too.

im getting that chip., cheap thats why I want to use it
mobo will depend on if your going to be using an Agp graphics card or pci-e, unless you go for the Asrock dual sata2 which has slots for either.
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Whatever you do motherboard wise, get an Opteron (Especially as you're going to be overclocking anyway) as it will most likely be a better clocker AND a 144 is cheaper atm!
No mobo is more 'complicated' than any other. Bit confused by that part.

Deffo on the 3700+ over the 3800+ or an Opty if you're feeling brave. ;)

Dfi Infinity for a board with great o/clocking potential without an excess of gubbins. Price in the region of £65. Great bargain.
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