What to learn webdesign and coding how to start ?

29 Dec 2012
I've always had a interest in webdesign and coding but lack the patience,

Ive seen a lot about learning to code lately and its sparked my interest..

On the web side of things i use wordpress and magento (only know the basics)

My questions are.

1. What language should i learn to start.
2. How long would it take to learn something, I could use and remember ?
3. I hear a lot about using C++ or python to start but the only one Ive seen is php and java, what are the others used in ??
Thanks guys,

I'm still not 100%, I want to learn both web and programming but there's a lot to learn and no idea where to start.

So many programs NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, .NET, Python, C++, Java

What should I start with to build the ground works ?
What would be good small project that will allow me to use what I'm learning, so can put it into practice.
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Just finished Problem Set 0, building a game in scratch, but I cant get my head around the binary and ASCII (questions ask in the submission form.

any tips ?
Thanks for asking.

The course is hard to understand and follow, I don't know if it because its american or something else, some of what is discussed does not sink in so I use Google to learn more.

what I am finding useful are the online courses, I'm using a few different ones (khan academy, codeavengers) they are much easier to follow and understand.even if I don't learn with the main course these seem to be working much better for me,

I just need to practice along the way.
I've found courses that I don't get on with too - usually it's just that one module or teacher's particular style rather than that the content is too hard though. What languages did you choose to focus on?

I started on cs50 as a base but ive found it confusing so I pushed it to 2nd place, Instead ended up starting with html and css.

I dont know why but looking at the online courses, they are a lot easier then a lot of college courses, (using Dreamweaver and reading a booklet)
I'm doing bit of javascript. but im not sure if I should learn javescript or python, they bother look similar to me.

once I get into these a bit more, ill want to try and add PHP.
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