What to shoot with a 400mm f/2.8 today?

How did you find the Rugby shots then Andrew? And more to the point how many shots did you take over the course of the match?

1200 images.

There are some interesting skills to learn:

1) Sometimes you lose the ball in the viewfinder. But it is easy to find it again without taking your eye fro the camera - everyone is looking at it.

2) There is skill in knowing when to change camera. I was looking at a series that Marc took of Chris Aston scoring against Australia. As far as i can tell, he had 9 keepers at 400mm, including a great pair of an Ozzy tackle on thin air in his wake. Then as Aston ran towards him and the home crowd erupted around him, he calmly changed down to a 300 in order to catch the dive over the line, bagging it perfectly despite the opportunity for the posts to mess up his focusing.

Did you go a little trigger happy with that! 1200 images in one match!
I *am* trigger happy. No question. The trouble is that now, for the first time, it has come round to bite me. Takes too long to process the photos to find the keepers.

Might stick my 450D behind a goal with the 28 - 105 and use my remote whilst shooting with my 5DII + 70 - 200 f2.8 + 1.4 Extender from the side of the pitch.

Marc Aspen shoots like that. He puts a 16-36 on a gorrillapod behind the goal, and fires it useing a pocket-wizard linked the camera with his 300mm f/2.8. When he picks up the 300 to shoot stuff nearby (as opposed to the 400/2.8 or 500+1.4x), every frame is matched by a frame from behind the goal.

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