What to take to NY?

25 Jul 2012
So off to NY in April next year however I really can't decide what camera/lens's to take.

Currently own the A6000 and A7II with the APS-C 16-70 Zeiss, 55-210 and FE 16-35 Zeiss, 55 Zeiss, 70-200.

Take the A7II with the 16-35 and pick up a 24-70, this will give me a nice range and decent wide angle shots (total weight: 1.5kg). Maybe pack the 55 for night time stuff.

Or I just take my trusty A6000 with the 16-70 and pick up a 10-18 for the (relatively) wide angle stuff (total weight: 877g). Took this to Japan and it was so light I didn't realise I had it most of the time.

At the end of the day, i'm just an amateur and it's a hobby (I had some GAS buying my FF gear :S). I still say to myself I should just sell my FF gear as I don't use it to it's full potential. Am I being stupid having all this?

Anyway, would appreciate some advice on someone who has visited before and what I should do with my FF stuff
If you don't love the full frame stuff flog it the size and weight even for the Sony stuff is a serious inconvenience I would trade my 5d mkii for a crop mirror less if I could get the same look and feel from the shots!

As for New York it all depends on your style Raymond took a better set of pics than I ever will with nothing more than a 35mm I'd want wide though as I remember being really frustrated by my compact with a 35mm wide end!
When I went to NYC I took a d800, 24-120, 16-35,70-200 , sigma 35 1.4

I used them all a lot

If I went again I would only take a high end compact, walking around a huge city all day with all that gear was tough going but I did get some shots I printed 30x45" and love looking at
It is a question only you can answer. What is the purpose of the trip, is photography the main focus or are you entertaining kids/wife/wife to be? What do you like to photograph?

I go once or twice a year to NY for work and I'm pretty happy just with my smartphone but have done OK with my Olympus epm2 which is pocketable inside a suit pocket. I made 1 trip as a tourist and took my full DSLR kit, I used all sorts of different focal lengths from wide to very long. If I was to go again I would go with an ultra wide angle , a 70-200mm f/2.8 and a small prime for the middle, maybe 35mm.

The way you can fit some of the architecture in is with an UWA so that is a must, but the 70-200 is great for candids, portraits, and capturing architectural details that I happen to prefer over simply getting the building framed.
Many thanks for the replies all, the 16-35 seems the logical choice I think.
Think I will just keep the FF stuff at the mo, it is good kit. I just need to get some more confidence and go out shooting more. At the end of the day, like Arthur “Weegee” Fellig said: f/8 and be there!

Probably will take the A7ii, 16-35, 24-70 (picked this up really cheap) and maybe the 70-200 f4. I will sacrifice the 70-200 If I can't fit the A6000/16-70 combo as I would like that option if I don't get on with the A7ii
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