What to wear?

13 Jan 2003
Hi, I have an interview on Friday with a university here in Belfast for entry to an education degree. I have to give a presentation aswell as the interview and I was just wondering what I should wear? Up to now i've thought i'd just wear my suit with a nice shirt and tie but now i'm wondering is this too formal for a university interview? There's very few places on this course and I really want to give the right impression as it's my first choice.

any help will be greatly appreciated.

I reckon you will probably get away with some non-blue jeans, some shoes - or some smart looking trainers and a fairly plain formal shirt (although a Topshop or Burtons job, not one of those ones with a chest pocket on them).

I wouldn't bother with a tie or suit - you won't be wearing a tie or suit when you're going to lectures.
Although its not the same, I wore formal trousers, shoes and a shirt for my College interview....everyone else wore there normal clothes :|
go in something you feel comfortable in, if thats a suit so be it, but bear in mind that most university staff dont' wear suits all the time, indeed some of my lecturers turn up in jeans and t-shirts. They'll be more interested in you, than the way you look.
I would say that an interview for a decent Uni really calls for a suit if possible.

I wore suits for interviews at Sheffield, Bristol, Nottingham, Imperial and Edinburgh and wasn't out of place

Gamefreak501 said:
I reckon you will probably get away with some non-blue jeans, some shoes - or some smart looking trainers and a fairly plain formal shirt (although a Topshop or Burtons job, not one of those ones with a chest pocket on them).

Shirt and trainers :eek:

goooood look.
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wear a plain black suit , white shirt and inoffensive tie

this cannot be over dressed , under dressed or in and other way inappropriate
Thanks for the input guys it's much appreciated. I really don't know what to wear lol. Here's a pic of what I was thinking of wearing


Is this a little OTT for a university interview? To be honest i'm not really bothered what other people are dressed like because it's at 9am and only lasts for 20mins, I just want to make the best impressions.
That will be fine, as I said above I wouldn't bother with a suit, but no-ones going to mark you down for it. You could lose the tie if you want, makes it appear a bit more casual.
You look smart mate, if it's what you want to wear and you feel comfortable in it then wear it.

As already said, you won't lose anything by looking smart.

Good luck!
b (thats it) said:
looks fine, I would personally go with a bit darker of a tie though if you have one close to hand.

Darker tie without silly cartoons on it for the win.

I would go booted for any interview to be quite honest, it shows you are willing to make an effort.
He doesn't look miserable, he looks uncomfortable. lol

Whos going to start the photoshopping?
I was told for interviews, you should generally try to look your best, and also dress for the position you want. Ie if you wanna be a teacher, dress like a teacher etc.
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