What to wear?

18 Oct 2012
Hi guys,

Next week I have a second interview (first was a phone call) over video via Teams. What would/should I wear?

I agree I should wear something smart as its an interview. Normally I would wear a full suit - but for a teams call, would this be too much? Maybe just a shirt? Just a shirt and tie? Shirt and jacket? No pants? You get the idea...

Thoughts welcome.

Unless you've been told otherwise, I'd wear whatever you would wear to a face to face interview - a suit.

I'm actually doing a Teams Assessment Centre next month, we'll be telling them to dress casually as we are not a suit kind of company. I would still expect a degree of smartness even then.
I suppose the way to look at it would be:

If we weren't in a world where covid didn't exist, and the interview was face to face... what would you wear? In this instance, the answer would be - Full Suit, tie etc. I think I'll leave the shoes though lol.
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