What Tutorial Should I Follow For Unity?

13 May 2012
Hello all, you might remember me from an earlier thread, i ask what was a good game engine for new-comers like myself, and lots of you sudgested 'Unity'. Well, i've researched it and i'm loving the look of it, can't wait to jump in!

But...but i can't just 'jump in', that would be the deep end infact! I need to start somewhere, maybe with a helpful tutorial or two! I would like it to be for a 2-d game as i would it would imagine it would be easier and im quite good at pixel art. And obviously, it has to use the unity engine, i have little to none expericence with C# or Javascript so i wan't a tutorial for BEGINNERS, thats basicly what im asking for.

I know i may be biting off more than i can chew, but i don't care :p, im kinda a risk taker.

Thanks in advance!
I haven't tried it, but it's said that the tutorials over at 3D Buzz are pretty good so you may want to try those. If you want a quick introduction to C#, there's a tutorial (non-GUI) over at C# Station which you might find useful to give you an idea of the basics.
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