What way to mount PSU

21 Jun 2010
I have recently build a new gaming PC using :

All OK however I have mounted the PSU so the fan is up against the side of the case, as you can see there is not ventilation on the side of the case and there is only like 1/2 inch gab between the side panel and the PSU fan.

My question is should I turn it around so the fan is facing into the PC?
That should be fine!

Even under load you wouldn't expect it to exhaust that much heat.

What PSU do you have?
Usually there's enough space for the PSU to get air, or even a filtered vent so the PSU gets fresh air from the outside. They generally don't need massive airflow.

I tend not to face my PSU intake fan inwards, because I'm a bit paranoid about anything dropping into the PSU. It'd be worse if I had anything watercooled that might leak into the PSU innards.
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