What were you doing today but last year

Ah a nice thread.
Just looked back in my pics

I was in mid Wales and went for a long e-mtb ride. It poured down and I got soaked. But towards 2nd half sun came out.
I sat for half an hour with my bike on the hills watching the sunset.

Then I got back to my car in dark as I stayed to long.

Here are some pics. Some crackers too.





Without pics I'd never have remembered. I kind of have temporal memory blindness
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I can't remember specifically, according to my posting history spending a lot of time pouring through information on the Ukraine war and probably tearing my hair out with trying to stay on top of things at work.
I was very, very carefully syringing tiny amounts of tea into my Mum's mouth as dementia finally robbed her of the ability to swallow. And I was hoping it gave her some small comfort in her final days. Today, after months of procrastination, I finalised her headstone... and spilled tea all over the sofa while doing so. It seemed somewhat appropriate, given the trouble I was having with tea this time last year.

On the whole, I preferred today, despite the cold rain that's fallen for most of the day.
According to my gallery, calendar and memory that day never happened. A complete waste.

Thanks mags, made realise that at least one day of my life was completely pointless.

(I already know most my days are like this, but having my head forced to look in the mirror is a violation of my blissful ignorance, *****)
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