What would you charge?

18 Nov 2003
What would you charge for doing a complete business pack?

This includes:

Business Cards
Compliment Slips
Address Labels

1 weeks worth of work including consultation with client and printers. Including driving to the clients house -20 mile round trip.

Any ball park figures anyone?

Cheers. :)
Design, travel and consultation with printing company mainly.

All images used were stock photos (royalty free).

Also, logo design too.
I've already sent them to print mate.

printing.com **cough** :P

Im just purely after a price for design work.
hybrid said:
1 weeks worth of work including consultation with client and printers. Including driving to the clients house -20 mile round trip.
Charge them a for weeks worth of work :p

£1000-1500 would probably be reasonable. You really should have agreed on a price or at least an hourly rate before you started though.

only you can decide what to charge. figure out an hourly rate and figure it out from there!
Mickey said:
Charge them a for weeks worth of work :p

£1000-1500 would probably be reasonable. You really should have agreed on a price or at least an hourly rate before you started though.


Don't make me laugh. £1000 for some stationery design.

I'm a graphic designer and I can surely say if any one told me I would have to pay that much for the L/Hs B/Cs C/Ss I would kick them in the behind and tell them to get out of my sight.

Trust me it won't take you 2 days, let alone a week to design some thing from scratch.

Design the letter head first, then scale it down for the compslip and business card.

If you're going to charge hourly charge them 30-40 pound. If a fixed price charge between 200-250 max.
id say work out how much your time is worth an hour then how many hours it will take you then slap some petrol money on top
dantonkin said:
Trust me it won't take you 2 days, let alone a week to design some thing from scratch.
I was going from his original post, he said it took him a week.

Then again, I might have misread it, he might not have done the work yet.
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