What would you have done in this situation?

18 Oct 2002
Firstly I am quite aware I was stupid, I wouldn't normally get involved in such a petty incident so im not looking for comments reminding me of this fact.

Anyway, I was stuck in slow moving traffic yesterday by a slow car 2-3 cars infront (about 30mph on a NSL country road). Car infront must have thought I was sitting a little close to him so his girlfriend decided she would turn around and give me some abuse. Ignored it for a while until I smiled at her which wound her up even more and then shrugged my shoulders at her which sent her over the limit (I know, I know, shouldn't have got involved!). The guy started slowing right down and then speeding up until we could overtake the slower car on a nice long straight which clearly meant I was closer to him than I would have liked. I then made my second mistake as I edged over the road to see if I could overtake him to get out of this guys way and hopefully turn off at the next exit which wouldn't be too far out of my way. He put his foot down so I didn't overtake him, and didn't meet him again until we were bunched up further on by another slower car where I began to get more abuse by his girlfriend which this time I ignored. We then moved into a built up area where he slowed the entire queue of traffic to a halt and then tried to block me in. Luckily I sensed what he was doing and managed to find a space in the oncoming traffic to pull around him as he jumped out of his car to go for me :eek: He was then behind me for about a mile before he overtook me as the road split into 2 lanes and thankfully I didn't see him again (I made no eye contact as not to wind him up more). Made sure I doubled around the roundabout to give myself a little extra time incase he he was waiting for me etc.

My first road rage incident in 4 years of driving and it really shook me up. Unfortunatly I wrote the number plate down incorrectl :( Im just so disappointed in myself for getting involved in something so petty. I am hoping there is no way he can track me down or he is a local as he did seem a proper nutter, maybe I am overreacting but it wasn't a pleasant situation to find myself in. I will certainly be giving other motorists more room in future so it cannot be percieved that I am trying to wind them up/provoke them. Be careful people, could have been an awful situation.
I think it was an ego thing for him, his daft girlfriend was making a fool of herself and he didnt like it. The thought of jumping out and confronting him never crossed my mind in all honesty as im not really a confrontational person. Anyway, he was bigger than me :p

Shook me up a bit. What kind of mentality must you have to bring the traffic to a halt to jump out after someone, he could have had a weapon, baseball bat or anything for that matter. Oh well all done now, you hear of this kind of thing happening all the time but its quite a shock when it happens to yourself.
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