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What would you replace SLI 670's with for 4K

25 Feb 2010
As above? What would be the minimum, would 2x 970s do it?

Although I am tired of SLI when it comes to H1Z1. Would a single card be capable? I dont play much anymore.

Mostly -

Killing Floor 2
Rocket League.
OP, what fps are you hitting with your current 670's @ 1440p? Have you overclocked your monitor to push above 60? You seem to play a limited amount of games, so why are you shifting to 4K?

Ive started something here haven't I lol.

To be honest I have no idea. I play all the games I've said as well as BF4 at about 100fps on high. They are good, im just severly limited by VRAM. 2GB just doesn't cut it.

The thing is, I think I just have an upgrade bug and it needs to be scratched I just dont know of anything else that would be worthwhile.

So if I buy a 980ti right now, how long have I got of Ultra Graphics before things start getting out of hand again? 6 months? a year?

Also what the hell is Gsync and Freesync? I cant make sense of the googling.

Basically its

Keep what I've got until something breaks - cant play a new game

Get 980ti and a IPS Gsync display - upgrade?

Get a 980ti and a 30"+ 4K Display
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Bumping this as my requirements have changed.

I don't want SLI anymore. If I do I don't want it to be with cards that have only 2GB of VRAM - 1440p is really struggling at the moment.

I will be staying with 1440p but can anyone recommend a graphics card to buy that will be better than my 670s, cooler, quieter, faster but would only be a stopgap for a year or so until Pascal is out and cheaper. Used market is fine also.

Plan is to buy,
Graphics card for 1440p
New Case that I don't care gets scratched and dented or whatever
Quieter fans
Maybe bigger SSDs depends.

Future would be
X99-E when skylake E comes out.
Pascal GFX
m.2 Pci-e x4 ssd

Solid upgrade path?
I'm still worried that if I drop £500 on a 980ti and pascal drops the second hand market for these cards will plummet. Leaving me with a massive loss. On the other hand I can't deal with all these SLI bugs. Driving me insane. Driver keeps crashing. Part SLI issues part the fact that Win10 is bluegh.
Let me mention this. I had to turn the division down to low graphics. No SLI Support. My second graphics card did nothing to help while playing and the second it started snowing. Lag. Would a 970 be better than both my 2GB 670s at 1440? I could get one for like 240 new excluding the division. Which I plan on buying anyway.
From a very casual gamer stand point. If I buy a 980ti will I be disappointed? 8gb of vram would do.. Then no upgrades until I have to start turning stuff down again. Which won't be for a while with a 980ti surely.
I impulse buy a lot of stuff. £600 is not what I'd normally drop on a graphics card as you may have noticed. ;)

I'll basket it all up tonight. EVGA good then? I need a case to go with too. My parvum has run out of space and it getting battered daily.
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