What X-Fi shall I go for?

17 Dec 2004
About 2 months ago I bought the HDA Digital X-Mystique 7.1 Gold sound card but I had probs with the sub channel.

So Im trying again with a creative card. I can't make up my mind if to go for the "Xtreme Music" or "Elite Pro". The only reason I wouldn't mind getting the Elite Pro is because its got 64mb of memory onboard and the Xtreme Music doesnt have any memory?

I listern to a lot of music on my pc and play the latest games, plus ive just bought the logi z680 speakers..

What do you guys think...The Xtreme Music or Elite Pro??
squiffy said:
Neither. Get a M-Audio. :)

NA, The one non creative card I had was the X-Mystique and it was totally useless,, Ive even gone back to my sb live it was so bad. So its only creative soundcards from now on, but I guess it was mainly due to my motherboard
so what card? cos i've already made 1 mistake with my last card?, If I go with the Elite Pro , that costs more then my z-680 speakers that I have recently bought
TooNice said:
Up to you. If you want bang for buck, then definitely the Xtreme Music. The Elite Pro is a better card, but it is up to you to decide if the benefit is worth the cost.

I was also deciding between those two a couple of months back. I went with the Elite Pro in the end, but I don't want to push you towards it, since it -is- a significant sum of money.. I'll say that I don't regret my purchase, though I probably would say the same even if I had picked the Xtreme Music instead ;)

Have you found any use for the breakout box?? and hows the extra 64mb X-RAM? Shame theres not a balance control on the breakout box. The only thing I can think of that the breakout box would come in handy, if I got a turntable, but then again you can plug a turntable into the soundcard too. EDIT: Also I could plug a turntable in my z-680 speakers
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squiffy said:
Are you sure? (TT into speakers) you need a phono pre-amplifier, you can't just plug TT into a pre-amplifier if it doesn't raise the level to normal line level (around 2-2.5v I think)

Im not sure what you mean,, but you would need a lead with a phono plugs on one end that goes into the turntable and a 3,5mm plug on the other that will go in the soundcards line in socket or the line in socket on th z680. Then the sound card and/or z-680s acts as a amp to alter the sound level.. If that makes any sense.
so if you bought a turntable and pugged it in your hifi with phono leads, it woudnt work either, cos a hifi does the same job as a sound card when you use the aux doesnt it? It amplifies the volume. Or am I all upside down here?
You learn something new every day,, I would be sending the turntable back saying its faulty. That info will come in handy in the future, thanks a lot. :p
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