Whats App help please



2 May 2012
Hello i can't attach jpegs to whatsapp texts.

It sends me to recents, or a cloud media app to get gallery

I'm not on a cloud, and never use it.

I've tried looking through all my permissions, I think i downloaded a whats app update, but I'm not sure as i do them in a block.

After recents, i get recents, camera, videos, screenshots, whatsapp then see more....

if i click on see more, i get photos (which is fine even though the screen is different) then albums ... if i click on albums camera, videos, screenshots..... if i click on the 3 dots in the corner it says "cloud media app"

Can somebody help please
this seems to be on the right lines.

What I've found is if I touch the gallery icon (after the paper clip) i get "recents", but if i hard press it for a second or 2, i then get the full gallery on folders on my phone, which is what i obviously want.

Maybe it has always been like this and i never realised ?

I also remember, i signed into google photos..... and now I don't know how to sign out, if that is what is still causing a clash (maybe) . I don't know why i did this, i don't sign up to anything in google that shares things among multi devices etc.
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