Whats causing this effect?

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
I've had a Sharp LC32GD7E for a while now, and while not quite as good an image as me old hitachi LC32DL7200, its still a good performer, and everything works with it, C/A DVD89 through HDMI with upscaling, pretty good blacks and colour clarity on broadcast and dvd playback, theres one thing I've noticed (the missus too).
When showing broadcast films, the image seems to have an appearance of being filmed in a studio similar to the likes of eastenders, emmerdale, coronation st, etc, and not that "big screen" look. It doesn't bother me, but I'm curious as to why this is happening?
Dvd playback is totally normal and has this "big screen" look to it, its just on broadcast films. I'm assuming this is summat to do with a "digitising" effect, but if anyone here knows what causes this, I'd like to hear from them.
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