Whats good to rent at Blockbusters at moment

11 Oct 2005
As title really.

Im a bloke and I like my bloke films, you know blow things up, sci - fi, bond, MI-1,2,3 etc. you know the score. A good Mans film.

So what is worth renting at the moment. Was curious about "Right at your door" and that new one with Uma Thurman in - "My super Exgirlfriend" I believe it's called

Not really kept abreast of stuff of late.

Many thanks
Oh yes another vote for Children of Men here actually, 'didn't realise it was on DVD now.

Good story, acting and an excellent action sequence near the end. Some awesome Pink Floyd references too :D And music from King Crimson, for the win!!
jackgnic said:
...or you could rent Series 1 of 24 if you haven't already seen it! :D

I'm actually doing this at the moment, I've never watched 24 but decided to start from the beginning as the new series just started on Sky. I'm really enjoying it so far but still have a long way to go before I catch up :p
wyrdo said:
I'm actually doing this at the moment, I've never watched 24 but decided to start from the beginning as the new series just started on Sky. I'm really enjoying it so far but still have a long way to go before I catch up :p

Nice one! Make sure you stick with the entire series. It's definitely a long haul, especially when the UK is used to 6 week series' rather than 6 months! But 24 is worth it all the way!

Keep us posted on what you think when you reach the end of series 1! :)

The Sentinal is out on Monday, really good film. The Black Dhalia is very popular at the minute too, as it Talladega Nights. Fancy something very gruesome? Dirty Sanchez is disgusting. Fourteen/11 is supposed to be a good film, and 44 minutes looks good, I took it out but didnt get time to watch it.

Click with Adam Sandler is out on Monday too, which could prove to be pretty popular.

If you want soemthign that is just action from start to finish, get Crank, its a bit naff at first, but gets very very good, but the ending is a bit disappionting.

Fancy some totty? DOA with Holly valance isnt a half bad eye candy film ;)

Ripper^ said:
people still rent films? :p

You would be surprised how many people are willing to pay £3.50 to rent somethign for 1 night.
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Ripper^ said:
people still rent films? :p

opposed to?

pirate downloads or buying are the only other options i can think of, some films arn't worth buying, and some people like to watch a movie legally.
chimaera said:
pirate downloads or buying are the only other options i can think of, some films arn't worth buying, and some people like to watch a movie legally.

Some peope eare daft TBH. Had a bloke join up last week, the first thing he asked after grabbing his films was "do you sell blank recordable DVDs". I felt like asking if he thought we were a one stop copy it shop :p
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