Whats happend to www.tvtv.co.uk?

19 Oct 2002
The land of Cows n Grass!
I use this tv listings site for my htpc: www.tvtv.co.uk

They have a german site aswell, dont know about other ones. The problem is they decided (for some reason?) to completely re-do it all and now its terrible. Its unreliable, the previous days listings vanish to quick, details will load one second and be completely dead the next.

Its just a personal rant about this site but I wondered if anyone else uses it at all and if there is another, better alternative.
:) thanx for all the input guys.

You might think this a little odd but I started saving out the details of recorded programs using that tvtv.co.uk. Until they decided to change things around and now its hardly worth me doing it.

I shall have a proper look at all the sites suggested. Thanx :)
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