What's happening with iPhone 5?

23 May 2009
Hants/Berks Border
Just a query as to when the 5 is due. Google suggests June but not holding my breath.
My current contract with 02 is due for renewal and didn't want to tie myself down with another 18 months. Was thinking of rolling 30 days on simplicity (£31/month 1GB data 600mins and unlimited texts).

Any further thoughts/info?
Not a chance in June - there's just no way they'll allow the 4S to have a shelf-life of only eight months before being replaced.

Everything I've read suggests they're moving to a Sep/Oct time-frame for iPhone releases, which makes sense if the iPad stays at March as it separates them neatly.

Yeah smelt a fish there. Thanks

Think i'll go for a 12-month simpilicity and wait for the niggles to be addressed.
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