Whats is this lead called?

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Need the name of a lead, i think its a common type lead but dont know the name. Its for my Aego 2.1 speakers.

The cable connects to the speaker (phono lead?) the other end connects to an amp, the cable is a solid unit until it almost reach the amp and then splits in 2, it looks like copper wire (the 2 bits you insert). The cable is then clamped down into the amp.

Anyone know what I mean?
Is it this at the amp:


To this:



Or any of these:

That's the two! :) Do you know what it is called?

The one i have at them moment (1 for each speaker), is way to long for my needs and it seems to be of low quality. Any decent brands to look for?

Thank again!
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Thanks for replies guys :)

So what I need is a phono - phono lead and then cut the end to expose the 2 wires which I plug into my amp? Do all phono leads have the 2 wires inside?

Im really lost now guys, i never even thought about a potential fire risk before starting the post.

The setup I have is just this:

I just want to replace the speaker cable that fits to the amp as the standard one is now showing signs of wear.
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