Whats missing? Suggestions / advice for new company website design

2 Nov 2007
EDIT: Website is down. Appologies.

Hello all,

I would really appreciate some help with a website im designing from a purely visitors perspective. Thats rather unclear... Have a look at the site here (you may remember me asking for advice earlier here - i hope its improved since then!)

Well, as you can see there is an area of white space right of the paragraph of text and im not sure what to put there! I oringally planned on using some sort of jQuery tabs - maybe to move the clients there, maybe have a news section, maybe a product search? But im not too sure.

So, im asking as a vistitor - what would be most useful for you as a potential client? What would you like to see? What do you think would look / be best?

Thanks for any help (and sorry for the slow US webhosting!)
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Well appologies for all that hassle yesterday. All should be up and just about running.

Thanks for the comments gord. I should have mentioned in my OP the site is still in progess and i have left space for a logo (top left) and a site search bar (top right)

Thanks for the tips. Ill give it ago, but i struggle creating gradients. Any tips on actually making the images?

Ok, so you think some large title, at the top of the images with the captions at the bottom would be better?

Thats the problem im not too sure how appropiate any social media would be. Definatelty no twitter, maybe a news update. But im worried it wont be regularly updated and i think it looks rubbish when you go on a site that has their last news entry from 2006. Hmmm...
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