What's my diet like?

6 Nov 2004
6:00am - Porridge with skimmed milk, little bit of honey, raisins.
Whey Protein shake
2 Omega 3 pills

9:30am - Low fat youghurt with...
150g Blueberries
25g mixed nuts.

12:30pm - Can of Tuna or eqivalent Chicken Or equivalent Salmon
Shed loads of Veg (random stuff comes in packet)

5:00pm - Can of Tuna or eqivalent Chicken Or equivalent Salmon
Shed loads of Veg (random stuff comes in packet)
2 Omega 3 pills
Whey Protein Shake

9:30pm - Can of Tuna or eqivalent Chicken Or equivalent Salmon
Shed loads of Veg (random stuff comes in packet)
2 Omega 3 pills

My objectives: Have perfect health like hair/skin/bones. But I want a diet where I can basically just increase/decrease if i want to add/lose mass. If I wanted to add mass I would have more tuna/chicken/salmon in the meal and add some Carbs into the equation basically brown pasta. But at the moment i'm wanting to lose some weight so i'm killing all carbs except in the morning when I NEED it.

Anything else i'm missing I could benefit from?
Don't want to sound like a idiot but...
Carb's - if I could workout hard without them then do I need them or do they direcrly affect the size of my muscles not my fat?

Vary my diet? How do you mean, what else do I need?
It does. I'll have a bit of carbs it seems then. Clean carbs like brown pasta. As for variety Freefaller i'm not bothered I can stick to that diet fine.
How many carbs for fat loss/maintenance and weight gain? Just checking my food and 100g of pasta or oats has like 60g of carbs! I eat more carbs than I thought...
Yeah but how awfully sexy will I look with time ha.

Think I will have some carbs - i'm kidding myself thinking I can workout without them I feel terrible I need them I think. 150g max sounds ok to me.
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