Whats peoples opinions on pencil mods?

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

I have an X800XT-PE, and at the moment i cant go much over stock, currently at 540/560.

I'm just wondering if a pencil voltmod would get me past this barrier?

Also, is there any way of upping the AGP voltage in bios?

AND what are the kind of risks involved in changed the voltages?

Thanks :)
Pencil mods are a fairly simple way of getting better clocks out of graphics cards. You would need a volt meter though to confirm the increased voltage is safe as it's not a at all precise method though all you need to do is rub it out and restart if needed.

The main risk is obviously killing your card if you put too much voltage or it gets too hot though both of these can be monitored (voltmeter and something like ATItool for temperature).

AGP voltage has no real effect on overclocking.

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