What's the 720p video like on the D5000?

4 Jan 2004
Right now I have a D60, and I'm more than happy with it, but I'd like the ability to do video also.

Now, I could either buy a HD camcorder, or sell the D60 and get a D5000. Would I be right in thinking the D5000 would give better picture quality compared to a £200-£300 camcorder when used with a good lens? Are there any limitations of the D5000 in video mode? How does it deal with 2gb+ filesizes?

Also, how does it deal with sound, does it have a mic input?
Thanks for the link, it does look like it does have some big limitations (5 min max time for a single take) but I guess video isn't the primary use for the D5000 (or D90!).

I think I'm gonna stick with my D60, and pick up a cheap HD camcorder.
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